Case Study

A business owner who felt they had no control of their finances

The Client:

A lovely, but disorganised, business owner with 5 Limited Companies contacted me as they felt they had no control over their business finances. Staff needed the freedom to make purchases but often no receipts were obtained to back up purchases .Their accountant kept their books on Sage (a software not visible to the client) and they were behind with (and had lost track of) PAYE and VAT payments

The Action:

We moved this client from Sage to Quickbooks. As the client received a lot of paper receipts, we implemented Dext to enable staff to photograph receipts at point of purchase so these could be posted into Quickbooks. We reconciled their position with HMRC for PAYE and VAT and advised the client of amounts due to bring them up to date.

The Outcome:

The move to online software gave the client easy access to full visibility of their finances in real time, whether they were in the office or not. The implementation of Dext reduced the amount of lost receipts, maximising viability of where money was being spent and on what. A nice clean slate with HMRC enabled the client to easily use Quickbooks to see amounts due to be paid in the current month.

In summary the outcome was a lovely, (almost) completely organised and most importantly, happy client!

Does that sound familiar? This is just one example of how we’ve helped a customer – get in touch for an informal chat about how we can help you.

Clear Balance Bookkeeping
